Wednesday, 9 May 2012

WIP... Cover to Cover

Part of Shimelle's Cover to Cover class is having a really good think about how you store your LOs to make up scrapbooks - mine were kind of ordered by theme, but a bit jumbled and I had heaps that didn't have anywhere to go. So over the bank holiday weekend I got out every single LO I could find and re-ordered them all chronologically. These are all my LOs from the past 5 years....

There's also some double sided tape plus some scissors where I was making emergency repairs! I have actually done more than these if you count holiday albums and mini-books but I'm happy with the format of them so leaving them alone for now.

I then refiled all the LOs in the best chronological order that I could, and I'm now working my way through them and comparing them to photo files on picasa to make sure I've included all the stories I want to have (I haven't!). I've also pre-paid for some photo credits and will order photos for the stories I want to tell as I go along.  Have done 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2009 so far and the further I go back the more photos I want to order.

Before they start arriving I'm also tackling this little box...

Sorry can't get the photo orientated right - stupid blogger!!

I bought it to store photos when I first started scrapping, it's got lovely dividers and could be a really good organisational tool - if I'd ever used the dividers and not just as a general photo dumping ground! I have photos everywhere so they're now getting sorted as well and ordered chronologically - can you see a theme here?


  1. I love the box for storing your photos. I use something similar but it is a bit thin for holding my 'slightly unusual sized' photos :P

    Love your pre-40 list by the way...what a great idea :)

  2. Congrats to you for all of that layout sorting. I have a similar task ahead of me. And the photo box---I have the same issue except that I have 4 of them! Now granted, some of mine are divided and somewhat organized, but they have all eventually become photo dumping grounds!

  3. Have just popped over from 'class' HAVE been busy...I'm going to stick with printing my own pics, but have managed to whittle down the number of photos I have on my hard drive!
    Alison xx
